
How well are your eyes protected from blue light?

The high-energy blue light (HEV) is suspected to cause eye diseases, sleep disorders, and concentration problems.

The retina consists of various layers, one of which is the Macular Pigment. The Macular Pigment absorbs violet and blue light, acts as an antioxidant, and protects the retina from harmful blue and violet rays.

With a newly developed MP-Eye device, the volume of Macular Pigment in the eye can be measured, revealing how well one's retina is protected against blue light. The value is indicated on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the best value. Therefore, the measured value should ideally be high to ensure the retina can function properly even in old age.

Using a sunscreen with a high protection factor is now considered essential, especially for individuals with fair skin. However, how can the eyes be protected with a low macular pigment?

The following protective measures are recommended to build up your macular pigment:

  • Reduce exposure to radiation by wearing suitable glasses or sunglasses

  • Maintain fitness and weight

  • Avoid smoking

  • Build up macular pigment through a proper diet rich in fruits and vegetables or by taking specific dietary supplements

The Macular Pigment measurement using the MP-Eye device is carried out at Optik Bernardi during every eye check-up. It is recommended to repeat the measurement during each subsequent vision test as Macular Pigment levels can change over the course of life.

Ensure the long-term health of your eyes and protect your retina from harmful blue light. Make an appointment with Optik Bernardi today and receive individual advice on effective protective measures to ensure that your eyes remain efficient even in old age.